
The Battery is the heart of your car. A BestDrive by Continental Battery Check is FREE. Make sure to get it checked before winter or before a long journey. And don’t try doing it yourself! If it’s not done properly, expensive things can go wrong!

Don’t try changing the battery yourself. Everything from your radio to the onboard computer is connected to the battery if it’s not properly removed and replaced a number of potentially expensive things can go wrong.

  • Have a BestDrive Battery Check – it’s FREE.
  • Make a battery check part of your autumn routine.
  • Drop into your nearest BestDrive branch for a FREE battery check.

Battery Check


  • It only takes 5 minutes.
  • No need for an appointment.
  • Find your branch.

* We’ll contact you to confirm your booking, with an exact price, before any work is carried out.

Know your stopping distance

On wet roads, premium tyres can decrease your stopping distance.